About Us
Taking The Stress Out Of Gifting
How did Wisteria Market come to fruition? One night, during a dinner conversation, my children ages 17 & 13 (at the time) pointed out their growing independence, they implied they no longer needed me like they did when they were younger! Ouch!!! They suggested I find some diversion, something I can be passionate about and could dedicate my time and creativity.That notion remained dormant in the recesses of my mind. Some time after, a friend asked that I prepare some gift baskets for her employees as a favor. The task of deciding on the perfect item for the occasion taught me a few things about gift giving. It should not be an empty gesture, it should represent the true values and the sentiment of the gift giver. It should be meaningful, useful and convey a simple message, "you are important to me, you have a positive impact on my life and I put great value in our relationship". A gift is simply the physical expression of those sentiments. The experience was challenging, but witnessing the smiles on my friend and her employee's face was deeply satisfying. The gifting was accompanied by warm hugs and sincere thank you's. That simple act had cemented long and fruitful friendships. Gifting, I realized, is not just an empty gesture, it is a manifestation of a very basic human urge, the need to show those close to us how much we care and to give them a lasting reminder of those feelings. Gifting I learned, as satisfying as it may sound is not without stress. Shopping numerous stores and wasting hours to indecision can be quite taxing physically and mentally. Here is where I saw my calling. Taking the anxiety, hassle and time consuming aspects of gifting away from others and providing options of thoughtful, high quality gifts in a marketplace that is simple to use and offers great value, so you, our customer, can continue that chain of strengthening the human bonds of love and friendship.
-Melissa Linares, CEO